...Manual This Layer 2 modular rackmount managed Gigabit Ethernet switch has four module slots that accommodate 8 - port 10 / 100 / 1000BASE - T RJ - 45 and SFP modules , and 4 - port 10GE SFP + and 100 - Mbps fiber ST and fiber SC modules . Order ...
DKM FX and FXC HD Video & Peripheral Matrix Switching System ® For flexible and instantaneous BLACK BOX crosspoint switching of Full - HD video in matrix switching enterprises . Tel 0811 / 5541 - 0 | www.black - box.de www.black - box.eu / DKMFX HD ...
Fibre Optic Patch panels and Adapters FOE601 FOE401 FOE513 JPE004F FOE404 FOE505 FOE504 Key Features n data networking the 19 ” 1u Fibre he tray is locked in place with two , n optical fibre Adapter is used to IOptic panel is the mainstay of the Tsi...
Fiber optic connectors Splice tray ( JPM440A , not included ) Fiber optic cable Fiber adapter panel with 6 fiber optic connectors installed Figure 2 . The JPM406A - R5 with three fiber adapter panels visible ( up to nine more can be stacked beneath ...