...ACXMODH6 * ACXMODH21 * DKM KVM Extender TX / RX Interface Modules Increase the distance between a source ( computer , CPU ) and its console ( keyboard , mouse , and other peripheral devices ) . Models available for CATx or fiber . Order toll - free...
...Series ServSwitch DKM Quick Start Guide ACXMODH Series 2.3 Setup of USB 2.0 Modules ServSwitch DKMModular Extenders 1 . Connect the CPU with the CPU module ( USB 2.0 ) . Black Box Tech 2 . Connect the USB 2.0 devices with the CON module Suppo...
...ACX1R Series ServSwitch DKM Compact Extenders Increase the distance between a source ( computer , ® BLACK BOX CPU ) and its console ( keyboard , monitor , and mouse ) and other peripheral devices . Models available for CATx or fiber . Order toll - f...
ModularDKM Extenders ® For flexible KVM Extensions BLACK BOX Mix and match interfaces according to your needs black - box.eu / DKM Introduction ModularDKM Extenders Flexible , modular KVM extension system takes video and peripheral signals over CA...
ModularDKM Extenders ® For flexible KVM Extensions BLACK BOX Mix and match interfaces according to your needs black - box.eu / DKM Introduction ModularDKM Extenders Flexible , modular KVM extension system takes video and peripheral signals over CA...
...ACX2MT , ACX2MR SERIES DKM KVM MODULAR EXTENDERS 24 / 7 TECHNICAL SUPPORT AT 877.877.2269 OR VISIT BLACKBOX.COM Hz 60 VAC / 50 100 - 240 DC 5V 5A G 0.7A max PRO DisplayPort USB - HID Hz 60 VAC / 50 100 - 240 DC 5V 5A DisplayPort PROG USB OVERVIEW D...