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...LRXI Industrial Fiber Extenders are supplied together with SFP fiber optic units of your choice ( single or multi - mode ) . The fiber optic cable used must match the SFP type and also be of a suitable type for the distance being covered . See Tra...
ServSwitch CX Features • Optional IP support enables you to access servers remotely . • Reset one or more host system power switches via its power control port . • Includes rackmounting hardware . • USB Peripheral support for Keyboard and Mouse • Bu...
...Wizard ™ Multimedia Extenders USER GUIDE Order toll - free in the U.S . : Call 877 - 877 - BBOX ( outside U.S . call 724 - 746 - 5500 ) FREE technical support 24 hours a day , 7 days a week : Call 724 - 746 - 5500 or fax 724 - 746 - 0746 Mailing...
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