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...PS / 2 versions of extenders redefine the function of the Scroll Lock key . If necessary , you can restore the normal Scroll Lock key action . See page 32 for details . Dual Access Setup If your Extender system is capable of dual access ( ACU10...
...ServSwitch ™ Wizard Extenders Order toll - free in the U.S . : Call 877 - 877 - BBOX ( outside U.S . call 724 - 746 - 5500 ) FREE technical support 24 hours a day , 7 days a week : Call 724 - 746 - 5500 or fax 724 - 746 - 0746 Mailing address : ...
...Wizard VGA - USB extenders which provide a very effective way to put distance between your computer and its peripherals . The compact casings and ease of use of the modules belie the ingenuity of their operation . Using our proprietary transm...
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