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...KV2204A KV2404A ServSwitch Wizard DVI DL Control up to four computer systems and share peripherals among them . KV2004A supports one video head per channel , KV2204A supports two , KV2304A supports three , and KV2404A supports four . Order toll ...
...The Module has no switches or jumpers and does not need to be configured . However , factors such as type of medium , throughput across the link , and clocking mode must be determined by the settings of the baseband modems . Please refer to th...
KV9508A 8 - Port ServSwitch EC Series USB / DVI KVM Switch Control up to 8 computers from ® ® BLACK BOX console ( USB keyboard , a single IBM USB mouse , and DVI monitor ) . ® ® Works with Microsoft lntelli - Mouse and other mice . Order toll - free...
SERVSWITCH WIZARD EXTENDERS Transmit KVM signals up to 200 meters over CAT5 cable and maintain video quality . Key Features ur ServSwitch ™ Wizard ( ACU5011A ) that’s used to receive ( ACU5000A ) , which holds up to Extender family provides O extens...
THE SERVSWITCH ™ FAMILY Welcome to the ServSwitch ™ Family ! Thank you for purchasing a BLACK BOX ® ServSwitch ™ Brand KVM - switch accessory ! We appreciate your business , and we think you’ll appreciate the many ways that your ServSwitch keyboard ...